Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sticking To The Plan

First, I want to say a big congratulations to Zach for completing his half-marathon this weekend! I'll let him post his numbers in the comments if he wants to, but he did very well in my eyes. I'm jealous. It actually makes me think of the half Pig "commitment" that I made a few months ago and how I'm wavering on that goal. Meh, this is not the time for that.

Congrats Zach!

On to the topic at hand. I'm finding some peace and some success with my plan to stick to the plan. What? The plan ... the Couch t0 5K (C25K) plan, that is. I've been distracted since before I started boot camp back in June, drifting away from the gradual stepping up of C25K's intervals and focusing on things like minutes/mile pace and making up my own intervals. But after a dip in my confidence and the onset of burn-out after not seeing progress for so long, I decided to commit to sticking with my man, Mr. C25K.

This week I revisited Week 4 twice before stepping up to Week 5, Day 1 again this morning. It's going well. Really well. It's exhausting me and pushing me to my limits, but I also feel myself getting better. I feel like I can move up to Week 5 Day 2's 8-minute intervals in the not-too-distant future. I'm so confident in my decision to rekindle my relationship with Mr. C25K* that I may or may not have told him I love him this morning. This probably has something to do with him piping up and telling me to "walk now" as I started my jog up a daunting mini-hill. He loves me back, clearly.

*I forgot that some people may be reading this that haven't been reading from the beginning. Mr. C25K is the friendly voice of the dude that tells me when to run and walk on my Couch to 5K app on my iPhone. He's a nice guy. I recommend getting to know him.

It's also helping immensely that my friend, Caitlin, is progressing through C25K as well, but is kicking major butt and is already at Week 4. Considering how recently she started, this is huge. Hopefully we can do Week 4 together soon.

I'll end today's post with that thought. But I'll be posting later this week about cold weather running. Please be prepared to let me know what your cold weather running tactics are and what equipment/apparel you swear by. Okay? Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Beckey.

    My time was 2:21:46

    Pace - 10:49
    5 Km - 34:09
    10 Km - 1:05:51
    10 Mi - 1:48:27

    That was my first and probably last half-marathon. To be honest I was surprised I finished it. I had a friend who runs a similar pace and so I kept pace with him which helped immensely. After about mile 5, my legs were just on auto-pilot. I walked once when I was getting some water and it was a lot easier to just keep the legs pumping in a trot.

    That distance is just too much for me though. I'm not a long distance runner.
