Thursday, April 21, 2011

White Legs, Purple Shoes

I know I haven't posted much lately about my regular runs. It's just that they've become so ordinarily that I don't think much of them, nor do I think them worthy of talking about. But really, the normal-ness of running PERIOD is a pretty extraordinary phenomenon in itself, isn't it? It's like I let this milestone kind of pass me by, the sneaky little devil.

I run two to three times a week and it's "no big deal." Wicked.

So let me give a little ordinary-ness update.

My Mizunos died. I think they were feeling pretty ill before the Rat Race 10K, and that sucker pretty much put the nail in the coffin. I tried to put them on for a run yesterday and they pretty much made my ankle roll out. No good. Especially considering my history with ankles. I think I need to stay away from overly-cushioned shoes from now on. I just beat them in too quickly and they become almost bad for me to wear, making my ankles turn and hurt.

I bought a new pair of shoes today at Nordstrom Rack. They were cheap, they're rather hard- and thin-soled, and they are a heinous shade of purple, which highlights the whiteness of my legs quite nicely, don't you think?

The bottoms of my feet burned a little on tonight's run, but not differently than any other time I've run in new shoes, so I think I'll give them some more tries. Hopefully they're broken in before the Pig.

I bought some running shorts. It's shorts season! (Yay white legs! See above.) I really wanted a running skirt, but they were $60 and the shorts were $20. Tough choice. Skirt later, maybe.

I just did a 3-mile workout following yesterday's 3-mile workout. Tonight I ran the first two miles without stopping, then added a few very short walk breaks to the third mile. Oh, and the best part? I totally ran a negative split from mile 1 to mile 2! Sweet! Here are my stats.

Going to try 6-ish miles this weekend then go cold-turkey pre-Pig. Well I'm going to walk and do some stretches, but that's it.

Have I mentioned I'm terrified of the Pig? I'm going to die, I know it. Please play "Running on Empty" at my post-Pig funeral. K, thanks.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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