Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Redlegs Run for Home 5K

Ahhh, I know there are a small hand full of you who have been waiting for an update. So, here it is!

  • I finished the run!
  • It was really humid, but overcast, which was very helpful. But the wind wasn't steady. Ugh.
  • The course felt so long. (Jeff agreed.)
  • I was never really in pain and my breathing was comfortable, but my body got tired, which is a new sensation for me.
  • I saw all the buddies I hoped to see and my bestie Jeff did a great job!
  • I'm really exhausted and the creative juices must have sweated out of my face during the run.
  • Finally, my finishing time was 44:46, which I'm happy with.

So, here are some pictures. I'll probably post more fun stuff later, but I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer. Happy Saturday, y'all!

Me and Jeffy before the run.
Please forgive the zero makeup and running hairdo throughout the rest of the photos.

Jamie B. and me, pre-race.

Crowd shots, pre-race.

Over half way there!

NASTY post-race shot. Blech! Jamie looks good though!


  1. we did it girl!!! i'm so glad we met up beforehand! are you up for the hyde park blast? i say YES! ;) - jamie
