Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Did It Again! Day 2, Week 3

First of all, I fixed my computer all by myself and didn't even have to do a re-configure or restore. Woohoo!

Second of all, I just finished the Day 2 of Week 3 and I'm kind of impressed with myself.

When I first started Week 2, I had a difficult time continuing the workout on Day 2. There is no change in interval times from Day 1 to Day 2, but it was still really difficult for me. This time, not so much. In fact, I did better today than on Tuesday (Day 1, Week 3).

I'm not sure to what I can contribute my success in that area, though. I think it's probably a cross between improved endurance, greater strength, and increased control over my body. I've also purposefully shortened my strides for those 3-minute intervals to avoid getting pooped out. So, something is working and that's kind of fabulous.

Not too long ago I was really doubtful that I could ever run for a long period of time without walking. In fact, I may have even posted about that doubt. But it feels much more doable now and I'm just tickled pink. Well, tickled beet red and sweating and panting, but still tickled.

I wonder how many times I'll need to repeat Week 3 before bumping up. Let's see what the workout is ...

"Warmup 5:00, run 3:00, walk 1:30, run 5:00, walk 2:30, run 3:00, walk 1:30, run 5:00."

Interesting. I like the shorter walk times. I'm currently doing a 3-minute walk after the 3-minute running interval, and it's just too long. Though that 5-minute running interval that Mr. C25K threw in there is really scary, isn't it? Running for 5 minutes straight? Whine.

I may be ahead of the game in planning this already, but I think I need to come up with a halfway workout between Weeks 3 and 4. Maybe I'll do what I just did for the end of Week 3: start running off the C25K program to see what I can do.


For now I'll just repeat Week 3 until it bores me.

Okay, enough of that. I'll try to get a run in this weekend, but I think we just entered monsoon season because it's supposed to rain for the next week, including the weekend. There goes the pool idea. Gah!

I apologize for writing just a stream of consciousness today. Clearly I'm out of creativity. I promise to try to embarrass myself somehow while running so I can tell you all about it. Happy running!

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