Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No Cavity And More Redeeming Runs

Good news! I don't have a cavity! Turns out it was just a particularly pesky piece of food. Gross.

Thus my first ever New Year's resolution: FLOSS EVERY DAY.

So far, so good. I have flossed every day this year! WOOHOO!

On to a quick running update. I've had one not-so-hot and two good runs (including this evening) since my last post. It's hugely helpful that we got a bit of a heat wave here in Cincy. The rain and heat got rid of all the stupid snow just in time for a few days off after Christmas and for the New Year's holiday. Tonight was the first nighttime run I've had in a long while. I kind of missed it, in a strange way. When it's dark, it's easy to not get wrapped up in how much distance you have left to cover. It's easier to stay focused on what's right in front of you. Step by step by step.

I was battling some sore feet tonight, but the discomfort lifted somewhere around mile 1.5 (out of about 2 total). I wish that would have gone away earlier, but oh well.

Let's see ...

Oh, I may have been talked back into signing up for the half-Pig. And I may have, in turn, talked that person into doing it as well. It'll be a huge step for both of us. I'm still scared though. I don't like being so close to the possibility of failing. I just need to come up with a race-day plan. A good, solid plan and not a semi-winging-it plan. Any help you can offer on that kind of plan would be greatly appreciated.

And now, I'm going to try to ward off my post-run-shivers with a hot shower. Brrrr!

Oops, almost forgot ... Congrats to my pal, Matt, for completing the first day of Couch to 5K (and hopefully the second day tonight)! Yay Matt!

1 comment:

  1. Sure enough, just got home from night #2. It was a bit better than night #1. Hopefully that trend continues.
