Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just Passing Time

I am the world's worst blogger. I am sorry.

I have actually been active...kind of. Yes, I'm doing a lot less than running 2 miles 3 times a week, but I'm doing something. I'm averaging 1 2-mile run a week and 1 alternative activity (yoga so far). And I have plans for more.

I'm still going to take advantage of ice-free above-freezing evenings and weekend days to get outside. I'm going to do at least one in-home activity a week, and I'm looking into local fitness classes. In fact, I'm taking my first Zumba class this Saturday with my cousin, April. Yay! I really likes the class environment when I belonged to a gym in 2009. I think this will also give me something to look forward to week by week and help me get through my winter blues.

Back to the ice topic. I totally bit the dust on Wednesday morning after slipping on a huge sheet of ice at the foot of my stairs. I landed on my left butt cheek and right knee, both of which are bruised but not damaged. Have fun picturing that. :)

So yeah, there goes my fall-free streak. I had JUST told someone on Monday that I hadn't fallen this year, too. Yup, I brought it on myself.

In summary, please bear with me as I battle through this cold weather. I don't have exciting running tales to tell, but I do have some great mental images for you.

First is me wiping out and landing sprawled uncomfortably on the sidewalk amongst my laptop bag, tote, purse, and bagel (landed in the snow).

Second, big girls just can't do some yoga poses the way they were intended (the fat gets in the way). But, I did attack the shoulder stand AND plough positions. I almost suffocated beneath the girth of my chest and belly, but I totally "stood" straight AND kept my toes on the floor in plough. Booya!

Later dudes!

UPDATE: Here's an image I found that kind of shows how I landed on the ice. Nice, huh?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. LEFT buttcheek and RIGHT knee? I'm trying to picture that, and it seems like a game of Twister...
