Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Revelations From A Fellow Blogger

Since I've been so heinously terrible about blogging, I'll leave you with a link to someone else's blog post. My pal Rob sent this to me today and it cracked me up.

Definitely read the whole post for a good laugh (beware PG-13 language, Mom), but here are his 4 revelations:

4.  It's not an all or nothing scenario
3.  The clothes actually do something
2.  Runners aren't all lying scumbags
1.  It's true: bodies actually are capable of improvement

I love his references to my favorite scapegoat, gym teachers. Oh, and realizing the joy of finding the perfect running socks.

I also think I enjoyed this so much because, not only have I gone through my own revelations (these 4 included), but I can see that it's the revelations that matter so much in the journey to calling yourself a runner. I've watched some of my friends start and stop, start and continue, start and proceed to fall in love with running. Their success was dependent upon the "a ha" moments. The little victories early on.

Something has to click. It doesn't have to be an Earth-shattering moment, but something little. My important click/revelation was, "Hey, I can do this without dying."

What was your revelation, "a ha" moment or click?


  1. I like that this dude is thrilled with running socks. I guess maybe I need to try some.

    Probably my biggest ah-ha moment (the one that kept me running in the beginning) was the same as Brockway's: it's not an all-or-nothing thing. You don't have to start running eight miles to do it. Even running one mile, or half a mile, or as much as you can do is great. That's how I started -- running for a few seconds then walking when I wore myself out. A few seconds became more seconds, which became minutes. But I never would have had the heart to keep going if I hadn't realized, "hey, I don't HAVE to run for two hours a day. Twenty minutes every other day is fine, until I feel like doing more."

    I still think the runner's high is B.S., though. ;)

  2. Hypothyroidism does not equal big butts on boys. Just sayin...
